Home Consumer Feedback

Consumer Feedback

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback to the midwife who provided your care.

Your feedback on your experience with the care you received contributes to a midwife’s ongoing professional development, including their Midwifery Standards Review. Your feedback is anonymous unless you choose to name it.

Midwifery Standards Review a quality assurance programme and a compulsory part of the Te Tatau o te Whare Kahu | Midwifery Council’s Recertification programme for midwives.

The College may use the information you provide for research purposes. In this case, no information identifying you is collected, and all information you provide will be treated as confidential.

If you have concerns about your care, the Resolution Support Service offers a neutral, accessible, free, confidential service to support you.





Feedback for a midwife who has provided care for you is important for her ongoing professional development and will contribute to her Midwifery Standards Review (MSR) Process.

Midwifery Standards Review is part of the Midwifery Council’s Recertification programme required for all midwives to hold an Annual Practising Certificate.

The College may use the information you provide for research purposes. No information identifying you is collected and all information you provide will be treated as confidential.

Please enter a name of the midwife for whom you are providing feedback.
Please select a year between 2000 - 2025.
Ngā mihi ki a koe, thank you for taking the time to provide feedback. Your feedback is important for your colleague’s ongoing professional development and will contribute to their Midwifery Standards Review (MSR) Process, MSR is part of Midwifery Council’s recertification programme that requires all midwives to hold an Annual Practising Certificate.

The College encourages midwives who wish to provide constructive peer feedback to support changes in practice to address these directly with their colleagues. It is necessary to include your name with your feedback for your colleague on the portal. Anonymous feedback cannot be accepted.

If you have not completed this feedback within the portal, please email this form to nzcom@nzcom.org.nz or send the completed form in a stamped envelope to:

Midwifery Standards Review Consumer Feedback
PO Box 21 106
Christchurch 8140
Please enter a name of the midwife for whom you are providing feedback.
Please enter a role of the midwife for whom you are providing feedback.
Please enter your name
Please enter your role

(Please select one of the five responses below)

Thank you for providing feedback. If you have any concerns or questions please contact nzcom@nzcom.org.nz or call 03 377 2732.

Please confirm that you are not a robott.
Please ensure you have answered each question.


+64 03 377 2732


+64 03 377 5662


376 Manchester Street
St Albans
Christchurch 8014
New Zealand


PO Box 21-106
Christchurch 8140
New Zealand